It is okay to fail.

1 min readNov 24, 2022

It is truly okay to fail — to feel the pain of something that you cannot achieve. Eventhough it’s not easy to accept, but at the very least that is what you can do FIRST.

Take a deep breath and say,

“YES. I accept that I failed this time and it is OKAY.”

Here’s what you can do: Think or overthink.

If you choose to think clearly, you can explore more options for your next plan, making a new strategy, and you can elaborate all the things that you’ve done wrong rather than wondering about “what if” and overthink about everything which is gonna make it worst.

It’s also a YES, you can have your time to feel the sorrow — enough to make you feel relieve.

What you need to know is you are one step ahead than before. You are brave enough to try. You just have to believe in yourself. Do not think about uncertainty scenario, just work harder.

This time you already know the reason why you didn’t succeed this first round, turn it into your weapon for the next war.

Head up, chin up. You are ready for the next battle.

